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Article: Today Show: Terry Crews Photobombs Hoda Kotb and Jenna Bush Hager While Testing Airweave's "Anti-Sex" Mattress

Today Show: Terry Crews Photobombs Hoda Kotb and Jenna Bush Hager While Testing Airweave's "Anti-Sex" Mattress


E! News host Justin Sylvester brought a cardboard bed to the studio for the hosts to try out. These beds, made by Airweave, are designed to promote sustainability, not to deter athletes from intimacy, contrary to Kotb and Bush Hager’s earlier speculations.

Sylvester introduced a clip of the co-hosts debating whether the beds could handle “extracurricular activities,” which left them embarrassed. Their surprise grew when they saw the actual bed. “What is happening? Is this real?” Bush Hager exclaimed. Both hosts sat down and were pleasantly surprised by its durability. “No, by the way, it is sturdy as can be. We didn’t start a rumor! We told the truth!” Bush Hager insisted.

As they tested the bed, Sylvester explained that the beds would be “customized to each athlete” at the 2024 Summer Games. He joked, “So, any Olympian out there who’s finding themselves having a little bit of free time, this bed can support it.”

The ultimate test came when Terry Crews joined them. The bed held all three stars without issue. “If it can hold Terry Crews, it can hold all of us!” Kotb noted.

The segment shifted the hosts’ perspective. Initially defending athletes' rights to intimacy, they had speculated about the bed's purpose. By the end, Bush Hager declared, “I think you’re young, and you’re in love, and you got a cardboard bed and you’re in Paris, you do you! You perform in whichever way you like to perform!”

Airweave's beds, designed to promote sustainability, effectively dispelled the “anti-sex” rumors in a light-hearted Today Show segment.

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