Get Rewarded For Sleeping? This Japanese Wedding Planning Company Says I DO!
Studies have shown that men and women in Japan work some of the longest days and sleep below the average number of hours recorded across the world. In recent years, the embracement of naps, or Inemuri (a term in Japanese for 'sleeping on the job') has taken over the workplace. But with the help of airweave, one company is putting the emphasis on sleeping longer at night instead.
A Tokyo-based wedding planning company, CRAZY, has introduced a 'sleep remuneration system' which is essentially an initiative to pay their employees to sleep. Partnering with airweave, the company can monitor employee's sleep patters through the Airweave Sleep Analysis application. Employees simply download the app on their smartphones, and keep it on or by their beds and the sleep data is recorded.
Employees are rewarded in points (100 points = 1000 yen or about $10) that can be converted as cash to use at the CRAZY HQ cafeterias and cafes.
The results of the test exceeded expectations and as of October their sleep initiative has been officially implemented. Employees taking part in the trial improved their sleep time and overall health, increased their productivity at work and displayed increased creativity.